
The Ethics Of Making Purchase Replica Sunglasses

Is it ethical to buy replica sunglasses? Think about it before you buy your next pair of replica sunglasses.The Life of a DesignerSuppose you are a designer of fashion eyewear. Day in and day out, you draw sketches of sunglasses, trying them out on your friends. The ones everybody likes, you make big color drawings of and you show those drawings to focus groups, at considerable expense, and find out which ones Triple Sim Cell Phone consumers like best.You go back to your design studio with this new consumer information and you re-work your entire design based on what the people told you. You increase the curve a millimeter here, and spread the bridge a millimeter there.Once your design is set in stone, you work with eyewear and factory developers to find out if what you have drawn on paper can be made in the three dimensional world. If it can be, you are sure it will be a great success, because you found out exactly what kind of sunglasses the people wanted, and you have created it for them. After many weeks and thousands of dollars, you finally achieve a manufacturing plan to commercialize your design.Now you get Wholesale Business out you checkbook. You find sources for all the materials and products you need to make sunglasses and you bankroll a factory production line. You design labels, packaging and hangtags for your sunglasses.With great pride, you painstakingly sketch your initials and create a unique logo out of them. You register this logo with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office as a bona fide trademark, telling one and all that you are the one who made these sunglasses.At last, your designs Makeup Tools are made into actual sunglasses at the factory. Each pair of sunglasses is lovingly inserted into a case and box, and the boxes are stacked into cartons, which are loaded on to shipping containers, cleared through customs, and shipped across the sea to your warehouse.You take your sunglasses to dozens of retail stores, relishing every single hard-won sale that you make. Eventually you sell them all. In fact, you sunglasses turn out to be a super hot item, and Hollywood stars wear them at red carpet premieres. Thrilled, you start drawing new designs for Wholesale your new season of eyewear. You've made it!One night, as you are surfing the Internet, you notice some familiar looking sunglasses for sale. These glasses look just like yours. They have the same little changes you made on the curve and on the bridge, and they have the logo that you carefully created to express your own creative identity. Except these aren't your glasses; they are replica sunglasses.Replica sunglasses are fakes. Replica sunglasses are counterfeits that rip off somebody else's hard work and branding. Consumers should run, not walk, away from replica sunglasses, factory variants, and any similarly described products.

