
Great Eco Gifts For Women

Not to be sexist but women have always KOOBA Handbags been a little more Earth-conscious than men, at least in the public eye. So its not surprising there are a ton of great eco gifts for women available to choose from. But with all that variety, where do you start?

First of all, when yous important to think of the woman first and the planet last.

It may sound harsh but you wouldnt give you mother a bio-toilet for Christmas, would you?

Eco gifts for women come in all different shapes and sizes and range from fair trade jewelry to handmade clothing, natural fiber art, recycled crafts—anything you want you can probably find it. A good place to start your search, especially for "traditional" women like mothers, is fair trade jewelry.

This jewelry is usually comprised of semi-precious stones and less-expensive metals like silver and steel but you can find high-end items like gold and even diamonds if you know where to look. To be classified as fair trade jewelry, the producers have to certify that the workers who mined the stones, worked the metals, and transported the goods were paid a fair wage for their labor.

Another good option would be fair trade accessories. You can find a huge amount of certified handbags, hats, scarves, and even more eccentric items if you look on the web. Fair trade accessories are great because they are usually fairly reasonable in price and each piece is like giving a little piece of art.

But if youre going to be a hero!

Handmade accessories used to be resigned to the craft fairs and yard sale of the suburbs KOOBA Handbags but nowadays many folks sell their products online. That makes high-quality, handmade accessories with a personal touch easy to find, Burberry Sunglasses easy to buy, and great for the last minute shopper in all of us.So hit up the search engines and get started—theres a whole wonderful world of Earth-friendly products out there.

